Practitioner Users FAQs

I’ve forgotten my password

When logging on, enter the email address you used to register on the site. At the bottom right corner is a link to “Forgot Password”, click this to generate an email to that address with a link to reset your password. If this does not arrive in your inbox almost instantly, please check your spam settings.

I want to change my password

Click on the login-in tab on the top right hand corner and the drop-down list will give you the option to change your password.

What is the difference between a personal account, a practitioner’s account, and a researcher’s account?

A Personal account allows the user to document and describe their priorities, monitor them to on a daily basis, see their own charts, and to decide who else can see these charts. On a personal account, you may identify specific practitioners to receive automated email alerts for symptoms scored above an agreed limit.

A Practitioner can see the charts on personal accounts to which they have been granted access. They can add a comment onto the timeline, but cannot change data or add priorities. They cannot link one user’s information to another’s. They may receive email alerts about specific symptoms or priorities, where they have indicated that they will accept these. They can be denied access to the account by the personal user.

A researcher can see anonymised charts of participants in the research study for which they have registered. They cannot add priorities or comments, receive email alerts, or see identifying information such as a user’s name or email address – the charts are given an autogenerated code number linked to the study. They cannot see charts of participants in other studies. Data from their study participants may be reported as graphs or CSV files, for further analysis.

I can’t see my patient’s charts

This is probably because your patient has not added you to their sharing list. They must do this from their personal MyQuality account; you cannot do it from your practitioner account. When they have added you to their sharer’s list, their name should appear on your list of patients.

I wish to receive email alerts

Your patient must do this from their personal account. Email alerts will appear as an icon on your list of patients, under the notifications column.

I do NOT wish to receive email alerts

Your patient may be under the impression that you wish to receive email alerts about something which you feel is not within your remit of responsibility. If this is the case, you may switch off the notifications on the page that displays your patient list. However, this situation indicates that your patient would benefit from the opportunity to discuss appropriate access to urgent advice or support about their various priorities in care. MyQuality will not replace other arrangements for communication and support for your patients, so please ensure that any necessary arrangements are in place within your service, and discuss these with your patient directly.

Will my patients have access to my email address?

No. The email is generated automatically, to the address that was used when the practitioner registered with MyQuality. Email addresses of users are never shared.

Using the Charts

Seeing my charts: Click on the graph icon beside the patient’s name. This will take you to the most recent information. The graphs show the last month’s data, and display the most recent ten days. To review changes over time, scroll the date bar left and right.

Change dates on charts: To see time-frames other than the most recent month, click on the date range button on the right hand side, and use the calendars to indicate the first and last dates required. Then press load charts.

It’s too busy, can I simplify the charts? The website will normally display data for all the active priorities. Each priority is colour-coded. They can be temporarily hidden from view by clicking over the name of the priority on the base of the graph, which allows inspection of any priority in isolation, or in combination with any other, to look for patterns and associations between them.

Can I choose another display? MyQuality defaults to showing a linear display of scores over time, but these can be shown as cumulative scores, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, calculated as total sum or average data, or displayed as bar charts or areas. Use the Advanced Settings section to modify the display to facilitate interpretation of the graphs, and enable greater understanding of the information that has been entered.

I registered with MyQuality using my work email, as a personal user, to see what they system could do for me. Now I cannot register as a practitioner.

Each email address is linked to a unique account. If you have registered as a personal user and wish to change the type of account you can access, please email [email protected] and the account will be switched to a practitioner account. You will need to register for a personal account with a different email address.

My work email address has changed, can I transfer my account to a new address?

If you have a new cohort of patients, create a new account with your new contact details. If you are continuing to support the same group of patients from a new email address, contact [email protected] to change the settings on the account and maintain the links with existing patients who are sharing their data with you.

Some of the patients sharing their data with me are no longer on my caseload, or no longer using MyQuality. Can I remove their names from my list of patients?

You cannot delete their information, but may archive their accounts so that they are not visible on your list of patients. However, this will suspend their access to their accounts, and everyone else who may be seeing their information. It may be more appropriate to contact the person and ask to be removed from their “My Sharing” page instead.

I wish to delete my account.

This will remove your name from the registered practitioners list so personal users cannot share their data with you, or send email alerts. You will not be able to see their charts. Please contact [email protected] to delete the account.

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