Personal Users FAQs

I’ve forgotten my password

When logging on, enter the email address you used to register on the site. At the bottom right corner is a link to “Forgot Password”, click this to generate an email to that address with a link to reset your password. If this does not arrive in your inbox almost instantly, please check your spam settings.

I want to change my password

Click on the login-in tab on the top right hand corner and the drop-down list will give you the option to change your password.

What is the difference between a personal account, a practitioner’s account, and a researcher’s account?

A Personal account allows the user to document and describe their priorities, monitor them to on a daily basis, see their own charts, and to decide who else can see these charts. On a personal account, you may identify specific practitioners to receive automated email alerts for symptoms scored above an agreed limit.

A Practitioner can see the charts on personal accounts to which they have been granted access. They can add a comment onto the timeline, but cannot change data or add priorities. They cannot link one user’s information to another’s. They may receive email alerts about specific symptoms or priorities, where they have indicated that they will accept these. They can be denied access to the account by the personal user.

A researcher can see anonymised charts of participants in the research study for which they have registered. They cannot add priorities or comments, receive email alerts, or see identifying information such as a user’s name or email address – the charts are given an autogenerated code number linked to the study. They cannot see charts of participants in other studies. Data from their study participants may be reported as graphs or CSV files, for further analysis.

I want to add a new priority

Click on “Priorities” on the blue column on the left. Priorities that you have already identified will be on the list, press the green button on the bottom to add a new one. Choose from the drop-down lists of common physical symptoms and emotional and social issues, or write your own description of your key concern in the “make your own” box. Enter a phrase to describe the priority in the title box, and set the numerical scoring and descriptions if needed in the landmarks section. Confirm by pressing the green update button at the bottom of the page. Your new priority will be placed alphabetically on the priorities list, and on the check-in page.

I want to change an existing priority

Click on “Priorities” on the blue column on the left. Priorities that you have already identified will be on the list, click on the one you wish to review. You may then change the details, the numerical scale, or the display (smiley faces etc) or add or remove recipients of email alerts. The default scale is set between 0 & 10, but you can extend this up to 20 (eg if a problem is having much more of an impact than you had ever imagined) or even to negative scores up to -20 should the priority change in a manner which was not initially anticipated (eg if instead of being sleepy too much of the time, you are now wide awake for too long and cannot sleep enough). If you are amending a scoring scale, this may affect the way your charts are interpreted in the future – it may be better to add a new priority, than re-adjust the scoring scales on an existing issue.

Get rid of an old priority

Click on “Priorities” on the blue column on the left. Priorities that you have already identified will be on the list, click on the one you wish to remove. There are two options to consider: either DELETE the priority entirely, along with all data on your charts, or to RETIRE the priority, which removes the priority from the check-in page and the charts in the future, but saves your previous input and allows the information to be stored. You can view this information on the charts if needed, under the “Advance options” settings on the charts page.

To RETIRE a priority, there is a box to tick on the priorities page, half way down. If in future you wish to retrieve this priority, untick the same box.

To DELETE a priority, there is a red button at the bottom of the priorities page. This is an irreversible step, so we recommend careful thought; if in doubt, retire rather than delete your information.

I missed my check-in – how can I update previous dates?

Today’s date appears at the top of the check-in page. To enter previous dates, click on the date box and a calendar will appear, allowing access to dates in the past. Click on the dates you wish to record, score your priorities as usual, and click on the update box at the bottom of the page.

I wish to change my check-in scores

If you have already scored information for a specific date, and wish to check-in again to amend this, score your priorities as usual and click on the update box at the bottom of the page. This will ask you to confirm that you wish to update your data – confirm to proceed.

I wish to score my priorities at different times of the day

At present the system does not allow multiple entries on the same day. If this is a frequent request we will need to amend the website, so please let us know if this would be useful by using the Contact Us section.

Using the Charts

Seeing my charts: Click on the graph icon beside the patient’s name. This will take you to the most recent information. The graphs show the last month’s data, and display the most recent ten days. To review changes over time, scroll the date bar left and right.

Change dates on charts: To see time-frames other than the most recent month, click on the date range button on the right hand side, and use the calendars to indicate the first and last dates required. Then press load charts.

It’s too busy, can I simplify the charts? The website will normally display data for all the active priorities. Each priority is colour-coded. They can be temporarily hidden from view by clicking over the name of the priority on the base of the graph, which allows inspection of any priority in isolation, or in combination with any other, to look for patterns and associations between them.

Can I choose another display? MyQuality defaults to showing a linear display of scores over time, but these can be shown as cumulative scores, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, calculated as total sum or average data, or displayed as bar charts or areas. Use the Advanced Settings section to modify the display to facilitate interpretation of the graphs, and enable greater understanding of the information that has been entered.

Sharing my charts

Showing my charts with my healthcare professionals: Invite your professional support team to register on MyQuality so that they can see your charts. To share your charts with them, click on MySharing in the blue box on the left. There is a list of professionals registered on the system, please click beside the name to give them access to your charts. You will see a list of those whom you have given access at the top of the page. If your circumstances change and you no longer wish to share your data, please click on the dustbin icon, and their access to your data will be denied in future.

Can I email my charts to my healthcare practitioner? Not directly. The easiest way for the practitioners to see your charts, is for them to register with MyQuality. As an alternative though, you can show them the charts on a mobile device (Phone, tablet etc) when you meet them face-to-face, or print them off (Using PrintScreen button). To email your charts, you would need to save the image and send it as an attachment on an email.

Using MyQuality to support research and service improvement

What is the “general research purposes” button about? In order for us to improve MyQuality, we wish to know more about how the patterns of use of the website, and the sorts of conditions for which patient-generated priorities of care are most useful and relevant. Clicking this button will allow researchers access to your data, which will remain anonymous.

I’ve been invited to take part in a research study or service evaluation, how do I do this? Once a project is set up on MyQuality, there is the option for participants to join when they register on the system. A list of projects currently open for recruitment will appear at the registration stage, please tick the box for the relevant study to allow the researchers to see your data. This will be kept securely, and your name will be removed and replaced by a computer-generated anonymisation code, to protect your identity. In many cases, you may be required to fill in additional information for the purposes of the study and give your consent to take part and allow data storage; your project leaders will discuss this with you.

Leaving a study: If you no longer wish to participate in a research or service evaluation project, please discuss this with your project leaders in the first instance. You should “retire” rather than “delete” your priorities, so that previously collected data will be not be lost.

I wish to delete my account

please contact the administrator at [email protected], to remove your account in its entirety.

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